“Let the Wild Rumpus Begin”
A natural cut-up, and a ladies man, Night is the kind of gelding you want to have at your summer soiree. A purebred, unregistered Arabian, he was part of nearly 30 Arabians forcibly surrendered to an area SPCA after years of cruelty issues being pursued by local law enforcement. As with most SPCA locations, there is not a set up to care for surrendered equines, and few have the resources for such a large herd at once. To make matters worse, most of these beautiful horses were not even halter trained. That is a basic requirement for domestic equines, before vaccines, hoof care, or other needs can be attended to.
Like so many horses who come to Rosemary Farm, Night arrived as an intact 12 yo Arabian Stallion in the spring of 2021, with no training. Safely handling stallions is a challenge, much less one without experience. The team at the Sanctuary moved carefully and slowly, setting up a separate paneled area to accommodate him. Shortly thereafter, Tudor was welcomed, from the same group of horses, also a breeding Arabian Stallion with zero training. This pair were established securely in a two stall barn and turnout so basic handling could begin. Each stallion was worked with individually at first, gently building trust and contact, until each could be haltered, and each could then be gelded. Happy day! Rosemary Farm does not keep intact stallions, and that is a normal rule at a rescue. No more breeding of the equines welcomed.
Once Night and Tudor were gelded, their progress continued. As they learned some basic handling, they were introduced to their new herd family, as new geldings. In the meantime, another horse from the same surrender had also joined the Sanctuary, a mare named Saba, who had a young baby at her side, a colt named Kadir. Night and Tudor were thrilled to reconnect to another family member, and they all joined the larger band, Baywatch.
At this point, their very different personalities emerged. Night is gregarious, outgoing, and will also challenge for the attention of the ladies. Tudor is very different (you can read about him here). Night went about claiming Saba as his own girlfriend, and was ok playing papa to Kadir. Night is a smaller horse, as many of this herd is, likely due to a lifetime deficiency of proper nutrition. He is however, very happy, and easy to be around, playful and engaging with human and equine friends. Everyone enjoys his party boy spirit!
Sponsor Night today and you will never stop smiling when you think of him!
Night is:
• a chestnut unregistered Arabian gelding
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in June 2021, SPCA surrender case
• a member of Baywatch
• cousin to Tudor
• in transition *
• fun fact; a face of bravado with a puppy dog sweetness, Night ADORES treats and will even beg for them
* Any equine still under evaluation following arrival, in training, or changing in some way, is in transition. Please feel free to send an email to inquire about their status and future possibilities.