“Sweet as Pie”
The last of a larger herd of breeding Appaloosas, this beautiful sweet mare was in a field for a decade, waiting, and alone. Over 20 years old, without medical care or attention, her life was possibly coming to its end, she needed to leave. It had been 10 years since she had even seen another horse. She didn’t even have a name. When Rosemary Farm was asked to help, we went to meet her, to see if she had the mental stamina and desire for the huge change that moving would entail. Curious and hungry for attention she clearly stated she WANTED TO LIVE. So we set out to make that happen.
A round pen was purchased and set up where she was, to prepare her, and with the help of a talented friend, Coco learned how to wear a halter and step onto a trailer; two things she had not done before! Soon after, in the Autumn of 2020, she arrived at Rosemary Farm, her mane and tail tangled and thick with burdock. It is hard to imagine how she felt, simultaneously scared and excited and in awe. A new view! And horses! Other horses! These are moving saves, and it was emotional watching her see others of her own kind after so long alone.
A beautiful Appaloosa mare, this girl was blessed with good genes and is very pretty, with her pale coat like coconut, and the speckles and dark legs, like a good crust. She is sweet once she trusts, and has an alert mind and a strong desire to connect. Training a horse this old is a challenge, and progress has been slow, but safe, and mutual. Coco Pie was paired with another gelding who arrived around the same time as she did, also a senior, named Crew Crew Cachoo. Crew was in physical need but he LOVED barns, and people, and was a great influence on Coco as she learned simple things like, shavings in a stall, a stall, a barn, hay in a net, water buckets...and she was engaging and very happy. Crew has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but Coco PIe made the leap, trusting and trying, because being alone was worse. She is part of the larger band in Stardust Meadows, and often plays watchful auntie to the youngsters, Zephyr, Kadir and Nadia.
Become a Sponsor for Coco Pie today – ensuring that she will never be alone again!