The American Mustang

The American Mustang was deemed a national treasure in 1971, a symbol of the American spirit, crucial to the development of our country. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is the federal organization that oversees the wild Mustangs that belong to all US citizens. Today Mustangs are being dangerously depleted as they are rounded up off federal lands and moved to large holding facilities, with a dubious future, all at the hands of the very organization charged with overseeing their welfare. Whether captured or born into captivity, only a fraction of these magnificent horses are adopted. Today there are approximately 60,000 living in BLM holding facilities, primarily in the Western states. Learn more about the plight of the American Mustang here.

Rosemary Farm is dedicated to helping Mustangs when they end up in trouble, particularly when they end up in the Northeast. Often these are adult Mustangs who could not assimilate, are not considered “user friendly”, horses that are truly in need of a place where they can just be horses. Today the Sanctuary is home to nine of these iconic beauties.