“Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love”

Many of the horses that are part of the Senior Herd are former career horses, but Duncan is the only one who used to be a pulling pony! "Pulling ponies" are used to drag logs, or for strength competition contests at fairs. He was in his 20’s and already retired when Rosemary Farm Sanctuary was asked to step in. We met him living in a field with a steer, just the two of them, so they had become buddies. The Sanctuary offered to welcome the pair, but only Duncan was available. He loaded calmly, and upon arrival at Rosemary Farm, was so, so happy to see horses again.

Duncan is a Haflinger horse, a stout, strong draft breed, always a golden chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail. A naturally quiet fellow, Duncan’s heart runs deep, and he is devoted to his herd mates. He was the long time consort to our senior mare Sable until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2022. Today he shares his days with Mira and Melody, also seniors with whom he has lived for years. Like many of the senior horses at Rosemary Farm, Duncan receives care for a variety of special medical issues, so he can remain healthy for the rest of his days.

Sponsor Duncan today to help us help him remain healthy for the rest of his days!

Duncan is:

• a golden chestnut Haflinger gelding
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in September 2014
• a member of The Senior Club
• a permanent herd member, available for Sponsorship
• fun fact; Duncan's steer friend was rescued a few years later by the Farm Sanctuary, along with two cows