Behr is Staydopted with love by Joann H. since 2023.

“Tricolor Dreamboat”

• a rare tricolor Belgian cross gelding
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in December 2012, a member of the 10 Year Club
• a member of The Square Peg Band
• a special needs horse (blind)
• Staydopted with lifetime support by a kind donor
• fun fact; Behr was our Calendar Cover Horse in 2015

Behr is a gorgeous and very social tricolor draft cross gelding, who also happens to be fully blind. Arriving with some sight still, Behr was timid, and had a hard time making friends. He needed some hoof rehab and extra care to help him adjust, but the friendship aspect took longer. Sensing his weakness, even little horses would pick on him, and Behr was miserable.

It took over a year, and careful planning, to finally get Behr a friend, because horses use subtle signals to communicate, signals Behr could not see. First it was Christian, then Zak, then he even had a fling with the charismatic Honey Pie. Behr's remaining sight faded, but by then, he was on his way to his own band of besties. The horses had to learn to 'hear' and 'feel' other signals, and develop new ways for their friendships to grow. Once comfortable in their paddock, the trio of boys would run and play and one would never know there was any issue at all.

In 2020, Christian crossed the Rainbow Bridge due to cancer, and nine months later in 2021, Zak followed. Behr is in a period of transition, but he is not the same timid horse he once was. He has formed a new friendship with the lovely (and very tall!) Ella that is bringing him joy, and exploring a new friendship with Julian, a special needs draft colt who joined the Sanctuary in December 2023. Confident in his home, Behr is weathering these changes, not alone.

Behr is Staydopted, with lifetime support from a kind donor who wants to ensure his forever needs are guaranteed.