“The Big Brother”
Marcus joined Rosemary Farm as a teen, with his family, now known as the 'April Fool's Five', surrendered to The Sanctuary after local law enforcement called for assistance on April 1, 2018. This big black and white gelding is physically impressive, and could choose any mare in the big herd to be with, but was a doting son who only had eyes for his lookalike mom, Eleanor, until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge..
Marcus suffered from years of ill treatment, so can be reserved until he builds trust, but he is gentle and forgiving, and enjoys attention once he knows the person. It is believed that the palomino mare Zena is his sister, and his best friend Dustin (now adopted) was part of the family too. The members of this family group are devoted to each other, and while they will socialize with others, they really just need each other.
Become a part of his family – Sponsor Marcus today!