“Voted ‘Most Popular’, Class of ‘23”
From before Junebug exited the trailer, to step onto Rosemary Farm soil, she was already hollering to new friends. A big white gregarious female mule, June was welcomed in Spring of 2023 after her senior owner could no longer provide care. Moves can potentially be traumatic, but despite her nerves from the ride, once she arrived, she was home. Junebug was instantly very popular with all of the other equines, and was even Voted ‘Most Popular’ Mule for 2023! Everyone, every horse, mule, and human, loves Junebug, she has that gregarious personality that everyone is drawn to. And she loves one and all… which is a good thing, because training is not her strong suit! June was missing some essential skills upon arrival, skills needed to be a domestic equine, like basic leading, the ability to be safely handled, etc.. So while her skills in training are honed, June is busy bonding with everyone at the Sanctuary.
Junebug is a member of Violet's band, and is close to the other young mules, Rudy, Popcorn Charlie, and Madeleine. and loves to play with them. Like many other rescues and sanctuaries, Rosemary Farm places importance upon having same-species family members together, ie mules with mules, donkeys with donkeys, and horses with horses. Of course they all socialize together, but it’s very healthy and fulfilling to have someone who ‘looks like you’. This philosophy determined which herd group Junebug was introduced to first! Standing 15 hands and 12 years old, June is very physical, and very fast, able to run up onto the mountain and blast back down again, so she doesn’t miss anything going on. She also loves to hug! Be sure to meet her if you are lucky enough to visit!
Be the human BFF to the most popular mule – Sponsor Junebug and be prepared to smile about it every single day!