Welcomed to the Sanctuary - June 2014
Across the Rainbow Bridge - January 2024

Donations may be made in Iron’s name to Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, to help the next equine in need.
“The Royal Consort”
Of all of the jobs Iron had in his life, his most enjoyable was certainly his last, as the constant companion to the mare Honey Pie, a role he played gallantly until the very end. It was the peaceful and dignified ending of a senior horse that we all wanted for him, and the reason he was rescued almost 10 years ago.
As a young New York Thoroughbred, Iron was briefly on the track, racing under the registered name “Iron Ball”, but was too slow, then bounced around as a riding horse, even participating in mounted shooting events, until he could no longer physically carry people. Iron was loving but complex, with food aggression from being starved in his past, kissing spine that ended his riding 'career', Cushings disease. He got to grow old here, and as he headed into his late 20’s, he had lost part of his sight, and most of his teeth, living on multiple soaked meals daily. He could be a lot to handle, but was also very loving to his trusted people, and his favorite mare Honey Pie. A steadfast herd member, always showing the big heart of a Thoroughbred, he also helped to raise a frightened young colt, Riley, several years ago.
Iron was first welcomed to Rosemary Farm to spare him a premature euthanasia, after a DVM advocated on his behalf, and he enjoyed nearly a decade long retirement full of lots of vet care and even more love, with many fans and the dedicated support of a special Staydopter. While every passing beings sadness, the good must be remembered, and why sanctuary matters.
Fare thee well Iron, gallop strong and true, and we will catch up to you down the road, where the sun is shining, the grass is green, and you are loved for being who you are, not what you can do for humans. We loved you.