Welcomed to the Sanctuary - September 2014
Across the Rainbow Bridge - June 2024


Donations may be made in Duncan’s name to Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, to help the next equine in need.

“Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love”

I guess, at the end, you think a lot about the beginning.

I remember well the day I drove to pick up Duncan. Grazing peacefully in a grassy field with his bff, a large steer, Duncan had a huge 'crest', a symptom of being sick with Cushings, but was as gentle that day as he was every day he was part of our family at Rosemary Farm. The people who asked for help with him couldn't afford to feed themselves, and didn't even have a halter, so I brought one, walked into the field, haltered Duncan, walked him out and onto our trailer, he trusted from day one that he would be taken care of (side note for the inevitable questions; yes we tried to get the steer, no we could not, but several years later the Farm Sanctuary did).

Duncan had not seen another horse in YEARS. The JOY on a horse's face when they finally see another, well it's incomparable. One of those moments when you know you have done good. Duncan was THRILLED.

So Duncan, conservatively estimated at 25 yo in 2014, joined our senior herd. There he took a new title, that of paramour to the lovely Sable, a senior retired polo mare. In in previous life he had been a "Pulling pony", then BFF to the steer, now he served as the constant companion of a beautiful mare and for many years they were side by side. Duncan began a course of meds to get him back to health. Time passed, as it does, season to season, and Sable withered, and had to say goodbye.

Duncan did have friends, the dudes, and he and Fred became much closer, especially after they moved barns within our campus. They received special TLC, and soaked food, to help get in enough calories. Both were gentle with visitors and often enjoyed grooming from our guests in our AirBnb. Duncan became known as the shorter of the 'grumpy uncles', charged with care of the young colt Zephyr, and the two were kind of hilarious keeping the boisterous Arab baby in line. Fred passed last winter, Duncan returned to the regular company of old friends Mira and Melody.

With declining health comes increasing medical testing and care, and last summer Duncan traveled for a liver biopsy and full panel, as we watched his organs and his health... so we knew this was coming. Just in April, Duncan had chiropractic to help strengthen his weakening hind end... and all of this care is done with full hearts and love. Horses, well any living thing, live a lot longer with medical care and love.

Last night Duncan turned worse and it was time to say goodbye. With the help of a DVM, he was released from his body, a conservative 35 years old and just a few months shy of 10 beautiful years with Rosemary Farm Sanctuary.

Duncan was a Haflinger horse, a stout, strong draft breed, always a golden chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail. A naturally quiet fellow, his heart ran deep, and he was devoted to his herd mates. Duncan was a gentleman, so sweet and easy to be around, just a lovely soul, and we were so very lucky to have shared his life.

Thank you for caring. It truly matters.


• a golden chestnut Haflinger gelding
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in September 2014
• a member of The Senior Club
• Duncan's steer friend was rescued a few years later by the Farm Sanctuary, along with two cows