Welcomed to the Sanctuary - May 2020
Across the Rainbow Bridge - July 2023


Donations may be made in Arnie’s name to Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, to help the next equine in need.

“A workaholic at the beach”

Arnie left us unexpectedly on a bright summer morning, on his own terms, as he had always lived. Welcomed during COVID, when Rosemary Farm made a special effort to send word through back channels to the carriage horse drivers, that we would welcome any of the working horses that may need to come to the Sanctuary for retirement. This community was under strain, with the horses all sent out of the city while the industry was shut down, and drivers paying for board in addition to having no income. Auctions, as everyone knows, are a roulette wheel for the horse, good owners won't sell there, and often a driver/private owner does not know HOW to safely rehome a retiring horse. And while there are several rescues that welcome retiring NYC Carriage horses, not all will welcome the non-drafts. We will, and in March 2020 two of these beauties arrived, one a Belgian cross named Scooby, and the other a Saddlebred cross named Arnie.

What an astonishing example of equine fitness Arnie was! A sorrel color, his shape hinted at several different breeds, with an extra broad chest and such power and fitness. Arnie was not a cuddle horse, he could be a bit impassive and a bit intimidating. So handsome, it took a bit to get to know him. Arnie had one owner throughout most of his life, and together they had worked in the city...nearly 20 years. Arnie seemed well loved and valued, and was a beast, with his imposing presence and strong gait. A proud horse. But even strong powerful horses slow down, and Arnie had been rotated to the easier, shorter shifts, and given more time off; he was in this phase of “easing out“ when Covid struck, shutting down the industry. Arnie was the perfect candidate to find retirement, and maybe an adoptive home, up in the Catskills.

Both boys were in the best physical shape of any horse we have welcomed here, barring none. But Arnie was confused by the country, grew restless with the quiet ease of our home, and began pacing and was out of sorts. It was decided that Arnie may enjoy living at a working barn with more activity, and so he was moved to the care of our nearby friends at Fairbanks Stable, where he could passively enjoy the activities of riders coming and going, grooming, show prep, from his own stall. This life suited him. For turnout, Arnie decided that he liked mares, and with his 'coffee clatch' he enjoyed his days. It was mutually decided, in discussion with Arnie, that his working days were over. He relaxed, showed a softer side, even began to accept treats! Adoption as a companion horse was an option, but there aren't enough homes for all the companion horses, and what was most important was that Arnie was finally happy.

Fast forward to three years hence, 2023. Arnie now late 20's (conservatively) had been enjoying his days, and we had kept our promise to him. But as all lives must come to an end, so it came to be. On a bright summer morning, walking towards his humans for breakfast, his heart gave out, and the great horse, quite suddenly, fell, and was gone.

His passing is one that we all wish for, but few are granted. A quick end to a happy life, following a solid chapter of retirement, as a beloved friend. While we mourn his loss, we are honored to have been entrusted with this magnificent gelding. We will continue to welcome NYC carriage horses, if and when we are asked, and we have room to help.

Happy Trails Arnie, and we will watch for you trotting down the road again one day to say hello.