“Sings her Own Song”

What was clear about Melody from the start was her fierce will to live, and to live on her own terms. And Melody is not stupid. That day, tied at auction, she waited and watched and befriended a kind woman who looked like her best hope. The kill buyers bid $25, and Melody's new friend bid $30, and won her life. What the tiny pony mare did not know was that her new friend was the founder of Rosemary Farm, and she was headed to forever safety.

Melody was in terrible condition, looking ancient and used up. But she responded so well to food and care, and soon enough blossomed into a dark liver chestnut, looking like a a Thoroughbred shrunk by 50%. Melody was badly used by humans in her past, and was so determined to not allow anyone to hurt her again, it took a year before she fully trusted the hoof trimmers and crew. Saddles and other tack were out of the question, but if approached at liberty, Melody was willing to meet humans on equal terms. And thus, friendships were born.

Melody has enjoyed a decade of care at The Sanctuary, running with the herd and being alive. Her current bestie is the lanky Thoroughbred Mira. A senior now, she still looks gorgeous, thriving at her mountain home, which will be hers for life.

Sponsor Melody today and feel the joy of knowing Melody is exactly where she needs to be – with her herd on a mountain sanctuary!

Melody is:

• a deep liver bay pony mare of undetermined breed
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in March 2011, a member of the 10 Year Club
• a member of The Senior Club
• a permanent herd member, seeking Sponsorship
• fun fact; Melody was named for her beautiful voice, which can range over several octaves