“The Hurricane Survivor”

This lovely sorrel pony mare is a quiet devoted member of the main herd, and one wouldn't imagine that anything dramatic has happened in her life, but once, in 2011, it did.

Originally rescued with her colt Hamlet (now adopted), Lexi was one of a group of horses living happily at The Sanctuary. Petite, with a thick mane and very pretty face, but very quiet, she was easy to miss, not ever causing trouble but not high up in the herd group either. Just part of the herd. This was before 2011, the year Hurricane Irene plotted a course for New York. It was in August that the hurricane was moving closer, and no one was sure exactly when it would land or how much damage it might do. Nervous, everyone tried to get ready for the worst. At The Sanctuary, all horses were outfitted with halters with the Rosemary Farm phone number, and food and water were stored and ready. The horses were not restricted to buildings for fear they would be trapped, but they had access to shelter if they chose. Everyone prepared, and everyone waited.

The storm hit on August 28, winds ripping up fencing, and Roses Brook, the namesake creek which runs through the farm, swelled and grew, strong and raging, flooding the lower fields. The lovely old footbridge was ripped out and swept away. Initially the large herd went up to the top of the mountain, but then changed their minds and decided the barn was best, and came down, crossing the raging brook during the storm! The only humans at The Sanctuary during the storm were the founders, who ventured out to count horses and be sure everyone was ok...but one was missing! The count was repeated but there was no Lexi, and shouts were lost into the wind. She needed to be located immediately.

Equipment was gathered and a search party headed out, when out of the rain and raging wind, two bowed heads emerged; it was Finn, one of the two herd leaders, and with him, the missing Lexi! He had been with the herd during the head count, but left them safe and turned to go back and search for the missing mare. He had followed the water downstream and found her, and he was bringing her home! Smaller than most of the other horses, Lexi must have taken a wrong step in the high water, tumbled in the strong currents, and been swept away. Somehow she was able to get her footing again, lucky she did not drown. Her back was bruised from turning over in the torrid waters, and she was frightened and wet, but otherwise she was ok. Finn stayed at her side as he escorted her back to her horse family. Finn was always brave and a great leader, but really proved his skill and devotion on that day. Lexi was dried off and given warm blankets and a mash, happy to be home.

Many others lost more during that Hurricane, including several neighboring towns in the Catskills that suffered terrible damage. At The Sanctuary, the land slowly dried out, fencing was repaired, bit by bit, everyone recovered, and the story became just a memory. Since that time, Lexi has remained a quiet and valued presence in the herd, because even the lowest herd members matter.

Often it is the quiet ones who have the best stories! Sponsor Lexi and be a part of her amazing story!

Lexi is:

• a sorrel Pony mare
• welcomed to The Sanctuary in October 2010
• a member of Molly & Finn’s Herd
• mother to Hamlet (aka Harry)
• a permanent herd member, seeking Sponsorship
• fun fact; TBD