Welcomed to the Sanctuary - September 2011
Across the Rainbow Bridge - February 2024

Donations may be made in Gracie’s name to Rosemary Farm Sanctuary, to help the next equine in need.
“The Tiny Lippizaner”
Long relationships at the Sanctuary build lasting love between the humans and the horses, and that can make the loss even more significant. And so on a winter day we found ourselves on the dark side of love, saying goodbye to Gracie.
This beloved mare was in our news a lot in the past several months, as her medical needs required a lot more attention. Just before Christmas, the vet was here for five hours, helping to nurse her enough to get back up...then another incident, and another, and another today was not entirely a surprise. But oh how we resisted this day.
But this sort isn’t about the medical issues of a 27 1/2 year old horse, it’s about the incredible intelligence of this Lipizzaner mare, and the attachment to humans, the sense of humor and the amount of empathy she had towards others. Feisty to other mares, she could be just as gentle with her people, kind and cuddly just when someone needed it. She was intuitive and she wanted to connect. Unridden here as a result of earlier medical concerns that predated her joining the Sanctuary, she was nonetheless a terrific example of her rare breed, with a floaty trot and the ability to perform some 'airs above the ground' while standing up for herself in the herd.
Gracie joined Rosemary Farm in 2011 and early on, she had a great love, with a young thoroughbred who we lost early to an IBD. Since that time, she had equine friends but no bestie, preferring the company of her people. She had a high overly dramatic squeal, and a tiny little 'toot' like a low recorder note, and enjoyed her life here very much. If great horses could live forever, she would be with us still.
Happy trails Gracie, travel with our love.
Gracie’s Story
Gracie was a registered Lipizzaner mare, and anyone who has had the pleasure of knowing a representative of this special breed knows the kind of inherent pride and spirit they can embody. This mare, like the few others of her kind, was rare and valued, and she was destined to be bred, but alas, something went wrong. Shortly after her first and only foal was born, Gracie coliced and nearly died. Surgery saved her life, but she suffered internal damage, leaving her unable to carry either a rider or a foal again.
Gracie was part of a group of Lipizzaners surrendered, and we were happy to welcome both her and Havelah, another older mare from the same herd.
Gracie had all the intelligence of years of selective breeding and training in a refined bloodline. She was proud and could be hard to get to know, and only ever bonded to one gelding here, a Thoroughbred named Apollo. Gracie had a deep heart and was a valued member of the herd family.