First Name
Last Name
Current city/state of residence:
Preferred contact method
Are you 21 years of age or older?
What is your current occupation?
I work Full Time
I work Part Time
I am Retired
I am a Student
Tell us in a few sentences why you are considering adopting an equine.
What is your experience with horse ownership?
I currently own one horse
I currently own two or more horses
I do not own a horse now but owned a horse in past 10 years
I do not own a horse now but owned a horse more than 10 years ago
I will be a first time owner
What is your equine training and development experience?
I've ridden but not ever trained a horse
I've worked with a trainer to develop a horse
I've developed a young or untrained horse
How old do you hope your horse will be?
<10 years
10-15 years
15-25 years
25+ (a Senior!)
No preference
What gender do you hope your horse will be?
No preference
How would you describe the ideal personality for your horse?
Calm and steady
Lively and energetic
Spicy and challenging
How important is personality in your decision?
Second to looks
Second to skills (especially if seeking a riding horse)
I'm open to meeting a good match
How do you envision engaging with your horse?
Non-riding; I just want a pasture ornament to spend time with and care for
Non-riding, but I would enjoy doing groundwork and play activities
Riding is essential to the relationship
I am still deciding!
What level of rider is your horse going to be asked to work with?
Beginner rider/handler
Intermediate rider/handler
Advanced rider/handler
Child/children (under 12 yo)
What type of riding will you ask your horse to do?
Other competition
What style of tack are you asking your horse to use?
Traditional English bridle/saddle
Traditional Western bridle/saddle
No preference
Will you mostly go on solo rides or group rides with your horse?
I usually ride solo or with just one other rider
I usually ride out in a group of three or more horses
What will your horse's daily routine be?
Barn model (traditional stall with daily turnout)
Field model (full time turnout with free access shelter)
Where do you intend to keep your horse?
At home
At a boarding stable
In pasture board
Not sure yet
How many other equine companions will your horse live with?
Describe the primary companion(s) you plan for your horse. Please include age, gender, size, temperament/personality.
How much have you budgeted to spend on annual care and upkeep for your horse (food, board, vet care, hoof care, vaccines, tack, supplies)?
What is your timeframe for adoption?
1 - 3 Months
6 Months
Within the year
Have you ever owned a rescue horse before?
Would you be open to adopting two equine friends?
It's possible!
No, I can only consider one at this time.
How did you hear about Rosemary Farm, and why are you interested in adopting from us?
Please share any other questions/comments you think are important at this time.